A reader sends a halo to Joshua Zaragoza Wazny for running a delicious brunch at Giovanni’s on Sunday morning. “Can’t wait to come back, chef!” 


A reader sends a halo to Dennis Mitchell from Carpinteria Valley Radio for talking to Seniors Inc. about the radio station. “We are all ears.” 


A reader sends a halo to Luci Rogers for keeping local seniors informed about all the senior activities in Carpinteria. “Carpinteria is stepping up, to help start an active senior center. Go seniors.” 


A reader sends a halo to the Silver Sands Village resident who not only found the reader’s granddaughter’s swim goggles at the pool area, but also fixed the broken nose piece on it. “Much thanks!” 


A reader sends a halo to Jason Lusk, who dug out and cleaned the years of debris at the bottom of the two trash cans at the railroad tracks at Jelly Bowl Beach. “Now the cans fit like they are supposed to and it’s not stinky. We need more proactive citizens like you!” 


A reader sends a halo to Stephon Downes for saving the reader’s newly adopted dog Sammy from a dangerous situation. “I’m so lucky it was you who crossed paths with us. You are my hero!” 


A reader sends a halo to Corktree Cellars owner Andre, for staying calm and cool and calling 911 quickly. “Our local first responders are awesome! You helped save the life of a beloved Carpinteria legend that evening. Thank you with all my heart.”


A reader sends a halo to Armando Ramos, for making a difference in the lives of so many children. “You have played such a big role in helping guide our youth for many years now. We are all so blessed to have you in our lives.” 


A reader sends a halo to The Food Liaison for its continued support of the homeless community. “Their food is excellent.” 


A reader sends a halo to Fon Ha for providing water and bananas for the homeless, to Carol Nichols for providing great haircuts and to Brass Bird for providing great coffee. 


A reader sends a halo to GranVida for hosting the Carpinteria Senior Group activities. “We had such fun and reconnected with some residents there! We hope you will invite us back soon!” 


A reader sends a halo to senior citizens who volunteer at all the nonprofits around town. “Each of you truly makes a difference!” 


A reader sends a halo to Leah Harding for volunteering to speak to the Carpinteria Seniors Group. “She gave us important information on our nutritional needs and invoked lively discussion! We also love her CVN Wellness Warrior articles!” 


A reader sends a halo to Christopher Wehling for presenting to the Carpinteria Seniors Group. “His presentation on internet safety and artificial intelligence was amazing! He gave us the tips we need to stay safe!” 


A reader sends a pitchfork to loud mouthed people who walk down the quiet streets of Carpinteria on their cell phones. “(They’re) trying to impress people with their financial, domestic, family, lawyer troubles – you name it – for all to hear, and we don’t care to hear it!”



A reader sends a pitchfork to the building on Sandyland Road that has the in-house gardener working seven days a week, from early morning into the evening. “This is supposed to be a vacation property where we come to relax. We are not paying for the privilege of vacationing here to listen to the mower, blower, tree trimming, etc. all around us on a constant basis.” 


A reader sends a pitchfork to their neighbor, whose dog howls constantly. “This is really disturbing to all of the neighbors, and you have been notified multiple times. Please be a considerate neighbor and attend to your pet!”